The More You Choose, The More You Get Done!

Are you going through a tough time now? Perhaps you are struggling with someone at work, or a family member who is not making good choices. Are you learning on the loss of a loved one. Let’s take a short break and remember purchasing your first Cracker-Jack Box. Perhaps it was at a 7-11 or at the ballpark with your dad or grandpa?  Maybe you’re like me. So excited to open up the box, eat half-way down to pour the rest into your hands! It was a short-cut to finding out the ‘mystery’ surprise at the bottom of the box.  

Crackerjack was not the original name. The More You Eat, the More You Want was its first production name. The current naming came through early 18th Century street language of expressing excellent quality-thus ‘Crackerjack‘ became its headline name.  

To live a ‘Cracker-Jack’ Way of Life and power through the storms of life’s troubles begins with our first Reason:

Start making new choices

Difficult times may take you off balance. Trials and tests of grief disrupt our emotional and physical footing on life. So life seems to be out of balance from what it was before.  Being emotionally off center can cloud our thinking and make choices blurry or ambivalent. Negative experiences in life, such as failure, trauma or past mistakes, can also influence poor decision-making skills.

How do we start making new positive choices in our life? I like this motto. “If you don’t make a choice, the choice may make you and you might not like it.” There is so much truth to that statement. You can’t just sit back and allow life to make your choices, if it appears that life has thrown you too many punches. No one is going to step up and make the right choices for you – you have to do this yourself.

Here are some questions to munch on:

  • “What are those choices I am struggling to make?”
  • “Which ones have a serious impact on myself or others if it is not done?”
  • “What is holding me back to make this choice?”
  • “What choices should I not make in light of the most important one now?”
  • “What would be the best outcome I would desire with this choice?”
  • “What obstacles need to be removed to make this a healthy choice?”

Proverbs 3:5,6, is one of my favorite verses. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight.” Regardless of how unstable the ground is, we can trust the Lord to lead us to make the right decision.

What new choice is waiting for your today? Remember, the more positive choices you make, you will want to make even more! Go do it!

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